Colorado’s ONLY Hot Springs Festival – November 8 – 10! Book Now!

  • Soak Like a Local

    Meet Pagosa’s Hot Spring Community

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Connie Cook
Deputy Chief, Pagosa Springs Medical Center, Emergency Medical Services
Pagosan since 1998

Why do you live in Pagosa Springs?

The natural beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities are what originally drew me to Pagosa, the people are the reason I’ve made it my home.

What is your Favorite Soaking Tub at The Springs?

Clouds in My Coffee – I like the bird’s eye view from this tub and it’s usually right in the temperature range I like.

Are you a Podcast or Book Person? What’s got your interest right now?

Book person for sure.  I usually have a few books going at a time.  I just finished the Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, it was a great read to get lost in an alternate fantasy world.  I just started reading Primal Leadership, a book building on the importance of emotional intelligence in our professional lives and the impacts on successful leadership.  On deck is “Imagine – How Creativity Works” by Jonah Lehrer.  I’m a voracious reader and learner, my library card is one of my most powerful tools.

What is your daily wellness regimen?

I do my best to move as much as possible daily.  3-4 times per week in the summer I go for a run/hike on Reservoir HIll and then go soak at the hot springs to start my day.  I also love to mountain bike and hike all over our beautiful neck of the woods.  Spending time outside is the foundation of my wellness regime.  I follow the sage advice of Michael Pollan – eat food, not too much, mostly plants.  To manage stress I try to laugh as much as possible, surround myself with excellent people, and stay on the positive end of the spectrum.

Why would you recommend Soaking to a friend?

It’s one of Pagosa’s unique and most valued treasures, something to really experience the roots and culture of the area.  Soaking just feels good and is a great way to relieve stress and take some time to take care of yourself.  The staff at the Springs are very friendly and provide excellent customer service.

Soaking in the San Juan River at The Springs Resort

Rachel Devloo
Massage Therapist
Pagosan since 2016

Why do you live in Pagosa Springs?

It’s a magical oasis of fun and sacred healing! I love the safety, the serenity and how we have our own bubble of bliss. There is so much to explore in the San Juans. My soul is happiest here.

What is your Favorite Soaking Tub at The Springs?

The Burg! I love that it has all the river potential for hot/cold therapy.

Are you a Podcast or Book Person? What’s got your interest right now?

Depends on the mood. Right now, I’m more into podcasts or audible. I’m currently listening to Outlander by Diana Gabaldon for fun, and Magical Beginnings by Deepak Chopra for education about my pregnancy. My favorite podcast overall is The Highest Set podcast and the Melissa Ambrosini show!

What’s your daily wellness regime?

I do yoga in the morning followed by meditation, a quick paddleboard or time in nature, and of course, I like to soak in the springs after work. Right now, I’m focused on amplifying my health, nutrition, and practicing yoga. I love moving my body, eating whole foods and learning how to create more space to be grounded and centered so that I can be more loving and open in all areas of life.

Why would you recommend Soaking to a friend?

I would recommend soaking because the minerals are divine and healing magic. Soaking calms the nervous system, allowing us to be better humans. There is nothing better than hot springs bliss!

Soaking in the Blue Lagoon at The Springs Resort

Amber Kirkham
Third Grade Teacher, Pagosa Springs Elementary School
Pagosan since 2000

Why do you live in Pagosa Springs?

I’m a Colorado native, and access to the skiing, rafting, hiking and camping in the Pagosa Springs area were a huge draw. Also, this place is full of small town charm, I love that it’s a place where your kids know their neighbors.

What is your Favorite Soaking Tub at The Springs?

The Blue Lagoon – it’s the perfect spot to relax and unwind with the whole family!

Are you a Podcast or Book Person? What’s got your interest right now? 

Books! Anything historical fiction. I just finished “Where the Crawdads Sing.”

What’s your daily wellness regime?

I like to do Crossfit at Pagosa Crossfit and take hikes daily.

Why would you recommend Soaking to a friend?

It’s an amazing way to unwind, socialize and relax while being nestled alongside the scenic San Juan River.

Ted Falkowski
Full Time Ski Instructor, Wolf Creek; Full Time Construction Worker, GLC Enterprises, Gerry Lindstrom licensed NM Contractor – Custom Homes
Pagosan since 2018, visiting since 1986

Why do you live in Pagosa Springs?

I have always been drawn to Pagosa Springs – the locals, the views, the snow on the mountain, the springs – there are so many things I loved about this place during my visits that I finally made the move permanent four years ago.

What is your Favorite Soaking Tub at The Springs?

Rivers Bend is my favorite soaking tub thanks to the views of the San Juan river.

Are you a Podcast or Book Person? What’s got your interest right now?

I like both books and podcasts on various topics including politics, social topics, healing of mind, technical, mountain biking, etc. I also like watching drone videos. I like listening to the Tom Petty Channel on XM/Sirius on my ride into town.

What’s your daily wellness regime?

I have fruit for breakfast, and sometimes I’ll treat myself to something from Two Chicks and a Hippie or a breakfast bagel sandwich from Boulders Café. I always do stretching and breathing exercises before heading into town. After a car accident I had, The Springs have become an integral part of my own wellness routine. Soaking alleviates my neck and shoulder pain, so I am at The Springs a lot. Supplementing my soaking with marijuana and THC salve also helps.

I love to bring fresh baked cinnamon buns from Two Chicks and a Hippie for the crew at The Springs. Kind of funny, because I’m 6’5”, but we like to joke that I’m Santa’s Elf. Their work is so strenuous, they do so much both for our community and all of the visitors that come our way, it’s a way for me to be able to give back to them.

Why would you recommend Soaking to a friend?

I always recommend soaking to my students. After our lessons, they are usually exhausted because I like to push them to perform better than their expectations. I discourage them from just sitting, talking, and drinking alcohol (for those who are adults), and instead recommend they soak, stretch while in the baths, and drink plenty of water because of the altitude and hydration.

Meredith Shirley
Root House

Why do you live in Pagosa Springs?

I always say I moved for the coffee but stayed for the people. I love the mountains and rivers, the slower pace, but the people here are a treasure I didn’t know I would find. I am so grateful for this community.

What’s your Favorite Soaking Tub at The Springs?

Serendipity is my favorite tub for the view of the river. But I also love the lobster pot.

Are you a Podcast or Book Person? What’s got your interest right now?

Podcasts! I listen to The Podcast every week. It’s a pop culture podcast that is hilarious.

What’s your daily wellness regime?

I work out most every morning whether it is cycling, lifting weights or a hike. I used to hate working out in the morning- but now it’s what fuels my mental health and starts the day off right.

Why would you recommend Soaking to a friend? 

It’s the perfect way to relax and hang out with friends and also rejuvenate those sore muscles with an amazing view.

Soak Like a Local

Breanna Pitcher
Dance Studio Owner
Native Pagosan

Why do you live in Pagosa Springs?

I grew up in Durango and, in my 20s, I traveled the world. I realized that Southern Colorado is truly the most beautiful and magical place I’ve ever lived, and so, I returned. My husband wanted to get back to his family business of working up at Wolf Creek, and I was in the process of opening up a Dance Studio in Durango with my childhood best friend. We moved back to Pagosa in February 2020 to be closer to family and childhood friends. It was a bit of a wild transition with the pandemic happening the next month! We are both big outdoor adventure people and missed the San Juan Mountains after living in Carpinteria, CA, for many years. We are so happy to be back skiing, hiking, biking, and of course, soaking! You couldn’t ask for a more beautiful and welcoming place. I am so grateful to call Pagosa home!

What’s your favorite Soaking Tub at The Springs and Why?

I love any tub that overhangs the river. I tend to switch up my soaking pools, always scouting out the temperature map before I decide where I want to soak. I’m a 102-degree kind of woman! I also love any tub with a bit of shade on sunny days.

Are you a Podcast or Book Person?

Both! While driving and cleaning, I turn on podcasts and when I’m relaxing, a good book will do the trick. A good podcast or book on tape can make the drive from Durango to Pagosa seem short. You arrive at your destination and then sit in the car for a few more minutes, waiting to hear what happens!

What’s your daily wellness regime?

Having a membership to The Springs is a big part of my wellness routine! I have Lupus and the hot thermal water helps my joints and eases my muscle pain. Once I hit the hot water, I can’t help but do water yoga and stretching. I grew up as a dancer and the hot water helps my body move like it used to!

Why would you recommend Soaking to a friend?

There’s so many reasons! In fact, five of my closest friends all have the unlimited soaking pass and our group chat is always popping off with messages like “See you at The Springs!”, “Who wants to soak?”, “Hot water??”, “Which pool are you in?”. We can’t get enough!

Gina Curtis
Retired School Counselor
Pagosan since 2017

Why do you live in Pagosa Springs?

After living in Colorado for 35 years and having come to Pagosa for the first time in 1990, we decided to retire here because Pagosa is one of the few Colorado mountain towns that is authentic like Colorado used to be. We are “outdoor” people and have lived in various mountain towns for 15 years before retiring. Pagosa was like coming back home. We live here for what we hold so dear as long time Coloradans; small town and outdoor living, (hiking, biking, camping, skiing etc.), wildlife and wilderness, hot springs, and we LOVE snow!

What’s your favorite Soaking Tub at The Springs and Why?

My favorite soaking tub at The Springs is, “The Berg”. It has a sandy bottom, is on the river surrounded by boulders and is warm, yet cool by the river. As with all the pools, the views are gorgeous.

Are you a Podcast or Book Person?

I am a definite book person and now have the time in retirement to read. There is a bookclub that meets at the library and we just collectively read The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner. It is a fictional story about a female Apothecary in late 1800s London. Past and present intertwine with a woman in current day who travels to London during a tumultuous time in her marriage. The woman ends up having quite the London adventure.

What’s your daily wellness regime?

My daily wellness routine involves eating well, getting the recommended 8 to 9 hours of rest and staying busy with my eBay business. I work out 5 days a week rotating yoga, water aerobics, a bike or hike, and a weekly swim. Part of my weekly routine is coming to The Springs at least one day.

Why would you recommend Soaking to a friend?

I have recommended the springs to many friends and have told them about the relaxation/better sleep effects and my experience of the pools easing arthritis pain. After soaking, I don’t need any medicine for pain for about 5 days. We feel very blessed to live in Pagosa with close access to the hot springs.

Michelle Juneau
Pagosan since 2015

Why do you live in Pagosa Springs?

Pagosa Springs is incredibly beautiful and there is so much to do!  Hiking, biking, water sports – it’s a fantastic outdoor playground. And after all that playing, of course a soak in the hot springs is a great way to relax and unwind!

What’s your favorite Soaking Tub at The Springs and Why?

So hard to choose! I like Tranquility because it usually has the right temperature for me, but I also like Twilight because I like to watch the river go by.

Are you a Podcast or Book Person?

I absolutely love Jim Harold’s podcasts about the Paranormal and weird stuff going on in the world. I find it fascinating!

What’s your daily wellness regime?

I would love to wake up every morning and soak, but I do Crossfit 3-4X week and soak in the sunshine of Colorado as often as possible!

Why would you recommend Soaking to a friend?

I love the versatility of the Springs Resort. There is a pool and temperature for everyone – from tiny kids to older folks! I recently brought my friends from Germany here; they absolutely loved it! Plus, you can drink coffee, an adult beverage, or have some lunch. It’s really great for the whole day!

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Adults 2
Children 0
Number of Guests 1

Wellness Activities available to overnight hotel guests

Day Soaking is available 7 days a week.
All passes include soaking from 9 am-9:30 pm.

General Admission Pass

  • 20 pools
  • Includes Blue Lagoon family pool
  • Single entry pass

Relaxation Terrace Pass

  • 25 Pools
  • Includes 5 exclusive adult-only pools
  • Includes locker and towel
  • Limited availability, must be purchased online

Family Cabana Reservations

  • Full-Day or Half-Day
  • Located next to Blue Lagoon pool
  • Soaking passes not included

Local discounted passes are available for residents within a 60 mile radius with state-issued identification.

Book Day Pass